Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20, 2015

1 Peter 2:24

"He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed"

Oh what a joy it is to know that one man as innocent as Jesus was able to bare the burdens of the world and sacrifice his life so that we may live. Jesus never sinned it was us the people who were the sinners and Jesus still took up his cross and died for you and I. Jesus did not rob, steal, lie but he confessed with his mouth that he was the Son of God and was sent here on earth to do a marvelous work. He healed the sick, touched the blind and even gave one man the power to walk again but those miracles are all small compared to how he laid it all on the cross so that his life would bring us closer to God.

We live in a sinful world. A world where sin is sometimes accepted, a world where people are so blind by sin they don't even notice it. No one sin is bigger than the next, we are all Gods children and as Christians we have a God who forgives all of our sins and everyday if we confess our sins and repent God will open his heart and wash our sins away. No man on earth is perfect, the only man who was perfect was Jesus.

Jesus was nailed on the cross, he was whipped, beat down for the Love of God. Jesus was a man who knew his full purpose and he carried out his plan till his dying days. By his Wounds we are healed and we are able to do marvelous WORKS. The same power God put into Jesus is the same power we have in us today.

Is your Sin dead to you?  Have you prayed and asked for forgiveness? If so, wipe yourself off, pick up your cross, carry on and live for what is Right and that is the WORD OF GOD. God Bless!  

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